Data Privacy

As owner of this website, we take care of your private data. All data are kept confidential and pursuant to the latest obligation to abide to the data protection regulations and this data privacy statement.

This website can be used without entering any private data.

Notwithstanding your right to request the owner of this website to delete any of the collected personal data, the data will not be disclosed and forwarded to a third party and used for any other purpose unless you consented explicitly.

Data Protection Statement for the Use of Google Analytics

This website uses the applications Google Analytics. Service provider of this application is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Google Analytics uses so called “Cookies”. These are text files which, stored on your computer and recorded by Google Analytics, allow analysing your use of this website. Cookies generate data of your use of this website which will be transferred to and stored on a server of Google which usually is located in the USA.

Within the European Union Member Countries or in countries affiliated via treaty to the EU commercial area, your IP address will be anonymised or truncated. Upon request by the owner of this website, Google will analyse the information and data generated through Cookies to appraise your use this website and to generate reports on general usage of this website. As an outcome of this analysis, Google may offer and render services towards the host and the owner of the website. While your IP address will be submitted to Google, it will not be merged with other data collected by Google.

Though you may prevent your browser storing any cookies by adjusting your browser features, we advise you that you may not be able to enjoy the full functionality of this website. Additionally, you may prevent Google from collecting data (incl. your IP address) generated by cookies and further processing the data by installing the necessary browser plug-in (please click on the link and install:


Cookies being stored on your computer will neither cause any damage to your computer nor they do content any viruses but they are solely used to offer a more user friendly, more efficient and securer use of this website.

The majority of the cookies generated using this website are so called ‘session cookies’ which will be deleted upon leaving this website. To facilitate an easy and faster recognition of our website, cookies will remain on your device until you decide to delete them. The latter types of cookies allow Google to recognise you as a repetitive user.

Your browser configuration menu allows you to decide whether any visited website will store cookies on your device or upon your sole discretion only, or you may restrict cookies to specified websites only, or you may deny any cookie storage. Furthermore you may request the browser to delete cookies upon closing the browser window. If you decide to deactivate cookies you may not be able to enjoy the full set of functions of this website.


Whenever you visit this website, its host records and stores system information in so called server-log-files which are forwarded to us and which are deleted after 7 days from the host’s system. While the information stored by the host is not anonymised, data forwarded to us cannot be matched with personal or any other type of data. The data we have access to encompass:

In the event of a potentially law offensive use of our website we reserve the right to scrutinise your user data via our host.

Advertisement and Spam

Due to imprint regulations we are obliged to disclose contact data. We herewith object any use of our contact data to submit not explicitly requested information or commercial advertisement. In the event this restriction will be disregarded and unrequested commercial advertisement and spam emails are sent to the email address disclosed, the owner of this website reserves his right to take legal actions against the sender.